Ciri-ciri #futureboyfriend yang buat saya *melts*

Why? Why now?
And why so gewdixx??

Sebab, saya dah lama terfikirkan entri ni. Cuma tak ada masa nak compile kan semua data2 dalam kepala hotak ni. Kalau ada masa sekalipun, saya lebih suka blogwalking.

Jom, straight to the point!!

Sebelum tu, saya nak bagitau dulu, saya tak akan letak ciri2 wajib seorang lelaki dalam list ni. I mean, takkanlah saya nak orang yang kaki botol pulakkan? Mestilah nak lelaki yang akan menjadi imam dalam kebanyakan solat jemaah kita bersama *wah!!*

Hasil peng'google'an

Lelaki yang romantis (itu skema). Lelaki yang sesekali berpuisi untuk wanita yang disayanginya
Kenapa sesekali? Sebab, kalau selalu cakap berpuitis, bisa longgar semua skru dalam kepala otak saya nak digest everything he says. And some more, every poem is an art and it's sangat2 valuable. So, kalau dah tetiap hari berpoem, macam tak exclusive je art tu.
Kenapa berpuisi? Sebab, saya nak jejeka yang romantis for once, can't I?

Lelaki yang menjadikan art gallery sebagai tempat dating kami
Saya berani sumpah saya bukan pelajar art masa sekolah dulu. And even worst, I'm taking business in my degree right now which has nothing to do with art. Business is all about money and nothing else. Tapi, for contrast I nak seseorang yang appreciate art, yang boleh bual pasal art. And I can't stop imagining, he's telling stories behind the painting that we are both staring at, uh how sweet!
And not forgotten, we all akan selalu ke Singapore watching good quality theaters (kenapa spelling macam something wrong?). Sebab I selalu tengok promotion at Channel 5 promoting The Lion King la, yang bubble2 tu la, cirque du soleil la, macam2. And maybe sometimes we'll go to KLCC Philharmonic Hall, watching whatever show available there.

He plays golf
Come on, and laugh at me. But seriously, I find those holding the kayu golf sangat2 attractive (minus their perut buncit and Tiger Woods, of course)
Timbulnya minat saya terhadap golf apabila at one point of time saya ni penganggur sepenuh masa, dan menghabiskan masa menonton TV. Bila semua channel yang available pakat2 keluarkan program yang worst than sucks, saya pun shuffle2 lah between channels and woosh - HSBC Women's Champion was on air on Channel 5 . Dengan hati yang parah terpaksalah juga meneruskan perjuangan menonton sports yang maha bosan ni. Tapi turned out, I ter'hooked-up dengan event tu. And eventually it leads to me, wanting a guy who plays golf. Haih, teringin sangat nak pi mana2 country club, tapi saya malu *blush*

He does not so into Search and Wings and anything in between
I rasa, as a typical Malay guy, memang wajib mereka ada kaset band2 rock tu (kaset?). Tapi janganlah sangat2 so into those kind of musics. I mean, it will be a dream come true kalau lelaki tu sing "I Can Love You Like That" tau. Extra advantage kalau dia listens to those oldies and evergreen songs, macam disco ke..
Tak kesahlah kalau si dia suka lagu Lefthanded ke, BPR ke, tapi please - have some room for other genre as well. And those love songs wouldn't hurt your ears, sayang! 
All in all, I bukannya suruh you dengar to Hit Me Baby One More Time pun!

He loves books (but loves me even more)
No further elaboration on this. But yeah, I like him even more kalau he does read.

Occasionally, he likes to surprise me.
My birthday, our anniversary will be too lame to celebrate to. I like those guys yang buat suprise for no specific reason. It will be just an obvious reason; to letting me know that he is always thinking of me. Gives me chocolates on top of flowers, and woosh - he will be the greatest man ever alive on this world! Upss, I terover di situ.

He maybe cameraman photographer-wannabe
Be it amateur or what-so-ever, I'll be glad walking beside a guy holding a larger-than-life camera. Not every dating it is, tapi sometimes; sometimes for those crucial moments between us that need a bunch of photos to remind us of. Walau pun saya tak lawa, double-chin, and babat bertengkat2, it will be more appreciated kalau si dia suka ambil gambar saya especially for my facial expressions. *total love!*

He plays some music instument
Guitar may be an extra advantage. Piano ke... Romantisnya.
Tapi, this is just extra edge saja, never a requirement pun. Cuma, kalau ya pun, uh romantisnya
Go on and play some brutal rock pun, uh romantisnya

He is health-concern kinda guy
Extra edge kalau he plays tennis, hehe
Sometimes I dream of a guy yang akan jog sama2 dengan I kat Hutan Bandar, maybe. Walaupun muka I akan seperti Ikan Cencaru bakar that I had for buka puasa yesterday, tapi he never cares about that.
And it will be the best kalau he never mentions about my babat, or how gemok I am, tapi he's playing with some good words so that I tak akan terasa and just go with the healthy plan.
"Jom kita lihat keindahan alam semula jadi dengan berjogging di Taman Tasik Selatan, sayang.." Auww!!

Dia tau 'spekking'
Instead of I-I and you-you saja, I nak sometimes si dia expresses himself in bahasa penjajah - be it English, Japanese, atau apa2 bahasa yang sounds romantis - dialect is never a new bahasa okay! It's not that I don't like a guy with weird dialect, cuma I'm not talking about dialect here, I'm talking about language. And weird dialect can sometimes be fun too, by the way.

He will do absolute-anything for me kalau I merajuk
-_-' *nothing further*

I am not a pretty lady so, I don't deserve a man with all the above criteria.
And, if a man has all the above criteria, he's a gay? Alamak!

Well, this entry is just saja suka2. And all I'm thinking is Ka-Dua dan Ka-Tiga. Yang lain tu, hanya memenuhi ruang2 kosong sebab kalau listing mesti kena banyak2 kan? Takkan nak letak 2 je.

Kalau dapat semua baguslah. Kalau dapat 1/10 pun saya dah cukup bersyukur dah (bukan 1/11 ke?). Saya bukan gedik, list itu hanyalah preference saya saja. I mean, evaluating my ex-boyfriend pun dah cukup bukti yang kukuh mengatakan saya tak pernah fikir pun pasal ciri2 tu. Once I'm in love with him, I'll love him for what he is and never for what he thought I want him to be. 


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