Kerja Baru Saya Yang…

  1. Kerja baru saya menghalang saya me"log-in" Facebook. Saya bukan hamba Facebook, tapi dengan Facebook lah saya dapat tahu perkembangan kawan2 tersayang. Sekarang ni, terasa macam siput bawah batu, kena alih pun balik semula ke tempat asal, nak jugak dok bawah batu tu! Hari ni baru saya tahu yang anak kawan saya kemalangan kat Econsave. Though, it has actually happened a week ago. Another thing, disebabkan saya tiada any other connection resources melainkan this stupid dial-up which will take about 15 minutes just to post this entry in my blog, I owe my friends pictures to upload in Facebook, gambar member kahwin and the farewell memories. Shame on me!


  2. Kerja baru saya membuatkan saya gagap. I never say penghantaran. Instead, it's delivery. And I really don't know what is follow-up in Malay, so I gagap in the conversation just because my mind was thinking what is follow-up in Malay! I can google it already, tapi my dial-up yang super slow ni tidak mengizinkan! By the way, try to learn to converse in English when you're dealing with us; international company, for a change, once in a while, will ya? Takkanlah simple term like that pun nak skema cakap Malay! If you really so into perkayakan penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia, then you should call those biskut Jacob as biskut Yaakob, shouldn't you? Shame on those yang tender with kerajaan!


  3. Kerja baru saya sangat2 stressful. Bukan sebab bau baja. Dekat office tak wangi tapi tak jugak busuk. Cuma saya stress sebab muka saya masih selenga walaupun saya dah dua minggu kat situ. I feel like I didn't get the co-operation from my colleagues. They never had a Planner before, so I thought maybe they think that my position is so picisan. I need them to feed me with information in order for me to get my job done. And I really2 appreciate that the information to be accurate, and don't backstab me by telling the boss the correct info while at the same time none of those information you gave me are right! Shame on you!


  4. Kerja baru saya pun didn't do much justice to the "Executive" position that I'm holding. It's not and never about berlagak and so on. And it's never about exaggerated respect sampai you all nak kena panggil saya Puan! But, don't look at me like I'm nobody, tu je. When I need info, meaning you have the responsibility to feed me with that in order for you and for me to do the right things and do the things right! Effectiveness and efficiency jelah, you MORON! And don't mock me by speaking English, just because I really think that you are bloody demanding for respect and that's why I IM you in English! Lame Malay! Shame on you!


  5. Kerja baru saya memang tidak membenarkan saya melihat hari yang cerah bila balik melainkan sesekali sahaja. Reach home at 7.50pm is a norm. Shame on me!


  6. Kerja baru saya membuatkan saya rasa all my expertise dibuang dalam tong sampah dan sebelum tu dironyok2kan! Ada lagikah company yang menggunakan Open Office? And for me to request for Windows pun the IT Manager selamba replied "Will consider your request and will let you know in two week's time" C'mon! My Planning file is sangat2 crowded with Excel macro programming! How the hell I nak buat kerja secara efficient and effective kalau nak buat kerja pun kena ulang alik between two computers – mine with Open Office and the only computer share between Operation and Sales departments yang ada Windows, and the screen is like TV 14'! Shame on their system!


  7. Kerja baru saya membuatkan saya berfikir – adakah saya berpuas hati dengan prestasi saya setakat ini? Nope, it's never their faults, it's mine. I really have to get a grip and try to gel with it! Shame on me!


  8. Kerja baru saya membuatkan saya surrounded by those losers yang buat joke none other than "Taulah malam tadi malam Jumaat" kinda jokes! And I have to pretend like "Alah, saya paham, tapi takkan nak menyampuk pulak kan, belum kawinlah katakan, so.. diam je lah, hihik!" Lame! Lame! Lame! Shame on me being half Malay!


Owh no! Eight points and all of them are negative! Poor me! But, it's too soon to judge since it's just my 2nd week aje kan? What I really need to do is to upgrade my hypocrites level to be one of them and hang on to this new penghambaan duit!


p/s: no wonder I never had any slight intentions to work in Pasir Gudang before! To those working here, sorry, no offense!




Semangat baru – entri ke-dua hari semalam

Saya tak bersemangat sebenarnya, sebab bangun pagi tadi pagi terus diarrhea dan rasa nak muntah. And only around 10.00am barulah aku berjaya muntah.Then barulah ok, sampai boleh jalan2 sampai ke Uda!! Ya, saya tak kerja hari ni -__-'

Saya tak bersemangat sebab my daily dosage of new entries from blogs "I follow" – kena slow down. Sebab kerja kat tempat baru ni, as expected memang busy gila. Dan kat rumah takde internet connection yang bagus cuma yang abnormal iaitu dial-up Telekom yang macam haram ni! That's why, I determine to settle the outstanding balance of RM700++ next month.

Saya tak akan bersemangat next month because saya kena berikat perut sebab gaji saya banyak akan pergi ke TMNet tuh!! Cekik dara darah betul!!!


Tu je saya nak bercerita sebab saya tak bersemangat… kus semangat!


P/S : harap2 saya tak akan buat2 lupa nak bank-in kat saudara Nami for his novel Pengejar Bintang and Bau Semangat Anak Muda! SEMANGAT!

Wishlist Saya!

Saya nak ini:


  1. Treadmill

    Memandangkan Halima dah tidak berjaya memuatkan bontotnya dirinya ke dalam seluar size 28 or 29, dan hanya boleh muat untuk size 31 or 32, saya ada intension yang suci dan murni nak buat sedikit work out. Tapi, memandangkan kerja baru saya tidak membenarkan saya untuk pi ke padang kat Pasir Gudang tu sebab saya kena stay back almost everyday, dan saya sungguh mengada2 sebab memang daripada dulu dah, saya mengidam nak beli guna treadmill, jadi ini memang under my wishlist yang paling top (jangan cakap beli je, kang lepas dah dapat beli, tak ada hati plak nak guna, sebab dah fulfill pembelian doesn't mean dah fulfill the utilization as well, kan????) Huhu, saya memang nak sangat treadmill ni! Bagilah can!! Dan saya dah buat kerjarumah iaitu saya dah survey dan yang paling worth-it saya jumpa kat Giant Tampoi (haih, sampai ke Tampoi???) RM 1800 including satu mesin untuk pecah lemak (which is really fun to use together with the treadmill)!! Somebody care to donate RM 1800? Or RM 1700 is good enough, please, pretty please….


  2. Radio kereta

    This one has been in my wishlist for 5 months already. Since that good-for-nothing guy ada and dia janji nak belikan, sampai sekarang I belum beli lagi! My radio, hisy kalau ada passanger memang malam sikitlah nak on radio. Sebab pantang lalu jalan tak cantik, volume dia akan suddenly kuat, or suddenly hilang terus. Pastu, nak adjust balik volume, you kena pusing2 sampai dia rasa selesa untuk go for your intended volume. Selama menantikan keselesaan tu timbul, hadaplah dengar suaranya yang either terlalu perlahan (volume = 0) or terlalu kuat (volume = 40). I've had enough. So, memang this wish is memang necessary dan mungkin akan override treadmill tu. We'll see how. But currently, I memang jarang on radio and I prefer to sing for myself je kat dalam kereta sorang2 untuk hilangkan bosan! Serious! Mind you, jalan kat Johor ni memang tak bertoleransi!

    Saya baru je dapat one sangat2 worth-it offer! RM 120 siap pasang for Viva's original set but of course secondhand. Or kalau nak branded sikit, maybe JVC or Pioneer around RM 280 siap pasang. Ada jugak yang cost around RM 200 siap pasang for non-branded. So, ada sesapa nak belanja radio tak? C'monlah, belanja lah! It's not like I nak Kenwood ke Sony, ok!! Please….


  3. Laptop yang kecik

    Meh sini saya bagi alasan yang sangat2 logik. Saya student, or to be exact akan menjadi student semula. Dan laptop Acer Aspire 4920 ni memang sangat inconvenient nak bawak ke sana sini! I mean I kan student, file2 course material tu je dah berat, dan besar! Tambah lagi laptopnya yang beratnya lebih kurang 3kg kot (sebab lebih kurang berat arwah Yongqi, kucing saya). So, saya memang nak sangat2 laptop kecik tu. Hari tu hang out dengan Puan Tina. Memang jeles dengan kekecilan laptop dia. Lepas tu, saya menyuarakan hasrat hati. Dia dengan baik hati menyuruh husband dia carikan buyer untuk beli laptop saya ni! Baik kan? But come to think of it saya mungkin akan keep this laptop jugak sebab screen dia besar. Senang untuk saya buat research dan assignment later on!

    Anyway, alasan saya ni masuk akal kan? Kan? Betullah, memang masuk akal dan saya kena start saving for it and for Acer yang ada colour purple tu, it costs about RM1300++ kalau cash! Goodness!! Hehe, ada orang nak derma RM 1300 tak? Yang ++ tu saya usahakan sendiri, pretty please~


  4. Handphone yang touch-screen

    Saya ni ada penyakit hyperhidrosis, meaning saya will sweat excessively most of the time. Saya baru je beli Nokia C3 last February. Cost me about RM 400, colour pink. Apa kena mengena hyperhidrosis dengan nak beli handphone and apa kejadah mengada-ngadanya saya nak beli handphone baru ni???

    Saya hyperhidrosis dan disebabkan itu, keypad handphone baru saya dah terkopek. Well setakat ni cuma navigation key je yang terkopek. But soon enough, yang lain pun akan menerima nasib yang sama. Kesian diorang! -_-'

    So, Nokia X-something2 which is cost about RM1200 seems decent enough! Ok, I should just opt to buy CSL or XMan je, for sure they have touchscreen series kan? Tapi, tak class la guna CSL or Xman! I'm not really into buying local products ok?

    Pretty please, RM 1200, please!!!


  5. Videocam

    Ok, yang ni memang mengada2 sikit, saya tahu! But, wouldn't it be nice kalau ada videocam kan? To capture the moment, whenever necessary kan? Dunno the cost but just now saw Samsung model which is sangat2 compact dan colour merah dan kiut cost about RM 899.

    I'm begging you, please donate RM 800, please, pretty please!!!! Leave that RM 99 for me to dig in my wallet.


  6. Kereta baru!!!!

    What??? Kereta baru??? Ok, This one, I'm absolutely exaggerating! But, considering my baby Kancil now yang berumur close to 10 years old (very old kan?) I think I have to consider buying a new one as well. Not now, maybe not this year. Maybe next year or next-next year! But I really have to consider despite the sweet memories me and my baby is sharing. Tapi I really can't afford to keep abusing her (my baby is a "she", anyway), because she is well-deserving to be just sitting around at carpark aje and not to be driving around like, daily!

    For this, ok, saya belum fikir lagi what model, secondhand or brand new. Tapi, kalau ikut hati saya yang sangat2 moderate ni (wah, moderate konon!!!!!), saya rasa Suzuki Swift would be nice, kan?Putih or merah macam cantik and sweet sangat kan? Tengok size lah, saya might be gemok tapi saya ni tetap kecik tau! Dan kalau memang tak ikut selera tapi ikut kemampuan, Perodua Viva pun ok. Or MyVi ok jugak macam all my friends' dan mengada2 pulak beli colour hitam kan, so sama macam diorang pulak kan? Sweet!!

    Ok, this one, no need to donate now, donate later ya!


Banyak lagi yang saya nak, antaranya, washing machine sebab yang sedia ada ni, bunyi gedebak gedebuk bila spinning. Pastu, fridge seems like decent wish jugak. Owh, before that…. Buying new house, would be lovely kan? Before I go further with wanting to buy all the things to complete a house… I also want a comforter set sebab dah lama sangat tak beli yang baru (almost 2 to 3 years kot, and Four Season is my preferable brand, pretty moderate kan?). And of course being a lady, month in month out, mesti kita ngada2 nak beli bag baru, kasut baru, baju baru and practically everything nak baru kan?

So, the conclusion is….


Dear my future boyfriend,


My love, make sure you have a lot of money, have a stable carrier before you want to make that first step.

P/S: See above .. Love you!


Love you always,

Your future girlfriend, muah muah!!


The last of something means the beginning of something else later

Today is my last day.
Today I felt very sad for leaving.
Today, I was supposed to get ready for tomorrow.
Today, I just couldn't keep my mind thinking about tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be a brand new day.
Tomorrow is the beginning of another chapter in my life.
Tomorrow, I won't be seeing those I used to see every day.
Tomorrow I will be meeting another group of new people.

Those aren't poems. Those are something that has happened and will happen. Honestly, it was sad to leave. But, leaving something good for something better is a sacrifice and a risk at the same time. I'm taking my chances now and hoping that my decision is correct, this time.

As I left the office just now, and after a farewell dinner with the team, I headed out to get some peace of mind. I was sad of leaving and I am worried of a new beginning tomorrow. So, the best therapy for me is indeed – shopping.

I went to Giant initially with just 2 purposes and TWO PURPOSES ONLY – to go to ATM and to get all documentations ready for tomorrow (i.e Photostatting some documents and taking passport pictures). But, when I got out from Giant, these were something that I got for myself:

Unlike Shazwany's, yup, my shopping spree is far way unattractive and less luxurious to compare to. But, here is the list of the things that I bought anyhow:

  1. A pair of shoes from E-Max worth RM 39.90.
  2. A 2-Way Cake Foundation (Warm) from Sendayu Tinggi worth RM 30.00
  3. A Body Wash Dreams Unlimited 200ml from The Body Shop worth RM 45.00
  4. An EDP Dreams Unlimited 30ml from The Body Shop worth RM 85.00
  5. A MoistureGlide Lipstick 06 Clover PK from The Body Shop at 50% off and worth RM 22.50.
  6. A lousy purse from a kiosk without a name worth RM 10.00.

A simple calculation and just a single snapppppp – I just spent RM 232.40 in JUST ONE NIGHT! And that did not include the Photostatting and taking picture which have cost me about RM20++! And to top it all off, I also have paid my credit card HUTANG today and I paid more than what I used to pay. RM 90 more, to be exact! And on the way back, I filled up the tank and cost another RM 25! All of that and I lost about RM 360++ in just about 2 hours!

So, did I regret spending that much in ONE NIGHT? Definitely not! Or, maybe a little!


Since it has been few months since I bought shoes for myself and since tomorrow is my first day, I think a pair of shoes wouldn't hurt!

The compact powder or the foundation (as they called it; as found in the packaging), is something that I may feel some guilty about; of purchasing. But my Maybelline compact powder is no longer suitable for my even-more-tanned skin now. So, that's the reason!

The body wash is also important as the one that I already have is was just a temporary solution. The smells just like those body sprays from Follow Me or Ginvera or something like that. Meaning, it smell not good and it smells cheap too. Maybe, I should just grab the usual Olay's but since I was at The Body Shop, why not just get it from there je, right?

Owh, the perfume! The perfume is one of the must-buy items before 1st April, besides the shoes. The reason is pretty obvious considering the new environment that I'll be working at.

OK, yup I know the lipstick is not that important, or never that important at this point of time. But, spending more than RM 150 and above at The Body Shop for free membership and the promotion of 50% for the third item which expired today; those just tempted my straight away! Please don't make me feel so guilty of fulfilling the need to go-and-grab-while-you-can whispering in me!
Owh, last but not least is the purse. Since my dua-kali-lima purse is malfunctioning, so I bought another dua-kali-lima purse. It has never crossed my mind to buy something more branded, which I'm not sure why! Considering a Sembonia purse given by my cousin which worth RM 199.00 that time and it has been with me since last 7 to 8 years and the purse is still as good as new, I'm not sure why I did not choose to buy a more decent purse and still chose to buy another RM 10 purse which does not look cute at all!! Ups, too much information for something less important!

Enough about the boring shopping details! Back to reality now! I'm hoping tomorrow will be easy on me. Urgh, now I realize that I actually don't like changes. Maybe the changes are good but I just cannot get myself out from the comfort zone!

Wish me luck!!!!


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