GO GO!! it's time for a little exercise, dear~~

Dear Me,

Did you know that by consuming in large quantity of the chocolates that you bought last 2 weeks at the Fair is currently affecting the sizes of your face (embarassing), your back (ouch!), your waistline (yup, I'm suffering in my tight pants right now!) and your tummy (so, so true~~)??

So, on behalf of your plumpier body, I'm insisting and urging you to do something about it; and this should be an easy task:

Back from work, go straight to jog at padang starting tomorrow - 22 June 2010.

p/s: don't forget to bring your suitable attires tomorrow, kay! and please stick to the plan on daily basis (working day), with exception on rainy days, ok dear??

Yours faithfully,

L5 (the person who loves you the most)


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